Frequently asked questions.

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WebStacks is a CMS and static site generator designed specifically for Bootstrap developers. It combines powerful features like drag-and-drop functionality, modular design, and a live preview feature to help you build and manage websites efficiently. WebStacks generates pure HTML for enhanced security and performance.

A static site generator is a tool that creates static HTML pages from templates and content files. Unlike dynamic sites that generate pages on-the-fly with server-side processing, static site generators produce fixed pages that are served directly to users. This approach results in faster load times, improved security, and reduced server load, making it an efficient choice for many websites.

The static site generator feature creates ultra-fast, secure HTML pages that significantly improve load times and reduce security risks associated with dynamic content. This results in a smoother user experience and a more secure site.

WebStacks ensures security by generating static HTML pages, which eliminates common vulnerabilities found in dynamic websites. This approach protects your site from potential threats and attacks, keeping your content and data secure.

The drag-and-drop functionality allows you to build and customize your site by simply dragging and dropping stacks into place. This intuitive interface simplifies the design process, making it easy for users to create professional websites without needing extensive technical knowledge.

Modular design in WebStacks involves using individual, reusable stacks to construct and arrange your site. This approach provides flexibility, allowing you to quickly assemble and adjust page layouts as needed, which speeds up development and simplifies site management.

In WebStacks, reusable stacks allow you to save designed sections like headers, footers, or forms and insert them into multiple pages effortlessly. Once created and saved, you can insert a stack wherever needed. Any changes made to a stack are applied site-wide, ensuring consistency across your site and saving time by avoiding repetitive edits on individual pages.

Prebuilt layouts are professionally designed templates available in WebStacks that you can quickly implement to jumpstart your projects. They help accelerate the development process by providing ready-to-use designs, allowing you to launch your site faster while maintaining high design standards.

The live preview feature in WebStacks provides real-time updates as you code in HTML, allowing you to see changes instantly. This dynamic feedback helps you refine your design more effectively and ensures that your site looks and functions as intended before finalising your edits.

To operate the WebStacks CMS backend, you need PHP version 7.5 or higher and either MySQL version 5.7 or higher, or MariaDB version 10.2 or higher.

Yes, you can deploy WebStacks without PHP and MySQL support if you are only using the generated static HTML output. Simply upload the HTML pages along with images and assets to your server. However, if your site includes forms or features that require PHP for processing, such as mail functions, these will not work without PHP support.

Yes, it is possible. You can manage and develop your site locally on your system and then upload the generated HTML output to your web server for publishing.

Yes, WebStacks generates a sitemap in XML format as sitemap.xml upon publishing. However, if you prefer not to include a sitemap, you can disable this feature in the settings.

The Free package is available for life at no cost and is perfect for single-page sites or trial purposes, allowing one web page per site. It supports unlimited users and unlimited websites.

The Pro package costs $10 for life and offers no limit on the number of web pages per site. It is designed for professional use and supports unlimited users and unlimited websites.

Yes, you can upgrade from the Free package to the Pro package at any time. The Pro package provides extra features and benefits, including support for multi-page websites, for a one-time fee of $10.

The Free package has a limitation of one web page per site, which is suitable for single-page sites or trial use. Despite this restriction, it supports unlimited users and unlimited websites.

The Pro package is available for a one-time payment of $10 for life, offering enhanced features such as unlimited web pages, making it ideal for more extensive and professional projects.

The main difference is the number of web pages allowed. The Free package supports only one web page per site, while the Pro package has no such limitation. Both packages support unlimited users and websites.

If you need to create websites with multiple pages or require advanced functionality, the Pro package, at $10 for life, provides significant value. It removes the one-page limit of the Free package and offers a more comprehensive solution.

Yes, the Free package allows for unlimited websites, but each site is limited to one web page. This is ideal for testing and one-page websites.

No, WebStacks is not open source. It is a proprietary CMS designed for specific functionalities and user needs.

Yes, you can remove WebStacks' name from the CMS by modifying the settings file. This option is provided and permitted.

While many changes can be made through the settings file or CMS backend, the core code is obfuscated. Even if you manage to unobfuscate it, altering the core code is not permitted.

No, redistribution of the product is not permitted. You may not distribute, sell, or lease your copy of WebStacks to any third party. The license granted is for your use only and does not extend to sharing the product with others.

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