
Comprehensive documentation and guides for WebStacks.

Welcome to the WebStacks Documentation, your comprehensive guide to building and managing websites using WebStacks. This documentation will walk you through the key features and functionality of WebStacks, a powerful CMS combined with a Static Site Generator, designed specifically for Bootstrap developers.

Download and Installation

This section will guide you through the process of obtaining WebStacks and setting it up on your local or server environment.

To begin using WebStacks, visit the official website at From the download page, you can obtain the latest version as a zipped file. Once you've downloaded and unzipped the folder, you'll have all the necessary resources to proceed with the installation. Make sure to check the readme.txt file inside the zip folder for detailed installation instructions to set up WebStacks on your local environment or server.

Before installing WebStacks, ensure your system meets the following requirements:

  • PHP: Version 7.4 or higher
  • MySQL: Version 5.7 or higher (or MariaDB 10.2 or higher)
  • Web Server: Apache or any other web server capable of running PHP
  • File Permissions: Ensure that the web server has write permissions for the directories used by WebStacks
  • SSL Certificate: Recommended for secure connections (HTTPS)

Meeting these requirements will ensure optimal performance and functionality for your WebStacks installation.

  1. Unzip the Folder: Extract the contents of the downloaded WebStacks ZIP file.
  2. Place in Web Server Location: Move the extracted folder to your web server's desired location.
  3. Access the Installer Script: Navigate to the installer script by visiting the appropriate URL in your web browser (e.g., http://localhost/webstacks/admin/ or
  4. Fill in Required Fields:
    • Database Information:
      • DB Name: The name of your database.
      • DB Host: Typically localhost.
      • DB Port: Default is 3306.
      • DB User: Your database username.
      • DB Password: Your database password (if applicable).
    • User Information:
      • Name: The name of the first user.
      • Email: The email address of the first user.
      • Password: A password for the first user.
    • Site Information:
      • Site Name: The name of your website.
      • Site Email: The default email address for the website.
      • Base URL: The full URL where your site will be hosted (e.g., or http://localhost/webstacks/).
    • License Key: If you have a license key, enter it here (optional).
  5. Accept Terms: Make sure to check the box agreeing to overwrite any existing database with the same name.
  6. Install: Click the "Install" button to complete the installation process.

Your WebStacks site can be accessed at the path where you uploaded it. Use the following URLs based on your installation:

  • Local Installation: http://localhost/webstacks/
  • Web Installation:

The Admin backend can be accessed via the following URLs:

  • Local Installation: http://localhost/webstacks/admin/
  • Web Installation:

Understanding the Admin Interface

The Admin Interface provides an intuitive dashboard for managing your website, allowing easy access to configuration settings, user management, and content updates.

The Admin Interface provides an intuitive dashboard for managing your website, allowing easy access to configuration settings, user management, and content updates.

Navigation Links
  • Home: The dashboard displays key information like:
    • Number of pages
    • Number of stacks
    • Number of media files
    • Number of users
    • Date when the site was last published
  • A Publish button is available to publish your website; saved changes do not automatically publish the site. To publish, you need to check the 'Publish' option in either the Stacks or Pages modules or use from the Home page.

The following links are referred to as modules in WebStacks:

  • Pages: Used to add, update, or delete pages (the index page cannot be deleted).
  • Stacks: Allows you to add stacks and upload or delete them.
  • Media: For managing media files, including images and downloadable files.
  • Custom Scripts: For creating JS and CSS files to be included in your webpages. The CSS included will be the last in the CSS sequence in the head, and JS files will be last in sequence in the footer.
  • Users: This module allows for the creation of multiple users who can access the site; however, all users will have the same rights.